Thursday, January 17, 2019

Subservicer, Non-Agency Products; World Debt Increasing; Primer on "Duration" and Mortgage Pricing

Posted To: Pipeline Press

Time has a way of slipping by. For example, I’ve really been meaning to transfer a bunch of Lotus 1-2-3 and Quattro Pro spreadsheets I have off of some floppy disks and onto my laptop but never seem to get around to it. Speaking of time passing, Moody’s send out a warning that if the partial US government shutdown (PUGS) continues it could create problems for the U.S. bond market. Entities that depend upon federal money for revenues or paying debts could experience "liquidity strains." As we know the lack of liquidity will take a company, or person, down to their knees faster than anything. Yet nothing is certain but death and taxes, and the IRS plans to recall thousands of workers now on furlough because of the PUGS. Lender Products and Services Wrapping up a record-breaking 2018...(read more)
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from Mortgage News Daily

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