Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The One Space for Storage You’re Probably Not Using

I'm always interested in what the kids these days are doing in their dorm rooms. Yes, I realize that statement makes me sound like a geriatric. But seriously, were there ever so many dorm-dedicated brands and options ten—even five—years ago? I look at Instagram, lookbooks and big box circulars longingly. But you know what? There are some great storage ideas and products for the rest of us disguised in all that college 'ish. Ya feel? Er, I mean, case in point: this Simple by Design Over the Bed Space Saver. While it reminds me a little bit of those kinda creepy over-the-toilet cabinets, I have to admit, it's a good idea to put all that blank wall space to work. With a coupon, this one from Kohl's would set you back about $50 bucks, and you can't put a price on organization, people. Believe me. I might not do a unit like this in my own space, but seeing it got me to thinking, what could I be doing for more storage in my bedroom above my bed? Art is great, but it isn't exactly holding my collection of vases. Or houseplants for that matter.

Feast your eyes on the simple, single over bed shelf above. It's basically just a slab of wood lacquered white, and yet, it's a plant stand, an interchangeable art ledge, and a place to drape string lights when you want a little ambiance. Brilliant!


from Apartment Therapy | Saving the world, one room at a time http://bit.ly/2WsBOJ6

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