Thursday, January 17, 2019

The One Thing I Bought (& Still Use!) After KonMari-ing My Entire Home

I read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up in 2014, shortly after it was released in the United States. I had never read a self-help-style book, but I had always struggled with clutter and felt like I was being pulled in two directions: I wanted to live in hotel room-like minimalism, but I also loathed getting rid of things. What followed was something I could easily describe as both life-changing and magic: My apartment became far less cluttered, but, more importantly, I felt freed from future clutter. It's not that clutter and mess stopped building up (unread New Yorkers have a way of doing that), it's that when it does, I can quickly cull it rather than agonizing over what I should and shouldn't keep.


from Apartment Therapy | Saving the world, one room at a time

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