Tuesday, July 31, 2018

The Best Wizarding Homes In The Harry Potter-verse

Harry Potter was different from other children—magical and muggle—for many reasons: Obviously there's the whole "destined to defeat the Dark Lord and save the world" thing, but there are some other, less dramatic differences, too. Harry Potter did not look forward to his birthday and he dreaded coming home from school for the summer. Both of these facts make sense when you consider that Harry was (not) celebrating his birthday and living with the Dursleys. Eventually, he learns that birthdays aren't all bad when you're surrounded by people you love, that wizard chocolates and cakes are very good, and that there are some excellent places to reside outside of Hogwarts—free from the abuses of Number 4 Privet Drive.


from Apartment Therapy | Saving the world, one room at a time https://ift.tt/2NZpQBB

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