Friday, January 26, 2018

LO Products and Jobs; FHA and VA Updates

Posted To: Pipeline Press

When I grow up I want to… live in a shipping container live in a shipping container ? Hey, don't laugh… they're here, and some suggest are a piece of solving the affordable housing problem. Hey, if the appraiser can find the comps, the Agencies will buy the loans, they're golden, right? Well, maybe. Yesterday we learned that 2017 ended up as the strongest year for new home sales in the past decade despite December's weakness . FHA and VA Changes How big of a slice of the origination pie does FHA & VA have? Just looking at Ellie Mae's clients may provide a clue. Ellie Mae released its December Origination Insight Report (OIR), which shows that the percentage of refinances climbed to 40 percent of all closed loans for the month. Some highlights...(read more)
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